Imagine you could create massive social impact on a very small budget.
Tools for Good
The emergence of online technologies has been incredibly useful for many nonprofit organizations. Equipped with the right tools, nonprofits can reach a wider audience while deepening their impact, all on a shoestring budget. But with so many thousands of options available, how do you know what’s useful? As an organization that has worked with over 400 not-for-profit projects, we’ve had the chance to review thousands of pieces of software. There are certainly many tools we could recommend, and your circumstances may require something quite customized, but to make it easy for you, we’ve picked some of our favorites, which we share with you below. What’s more, if you sign up for any of the software below (and many have free versions), the Post Growth Institute will get a small referral fee – so not only are you helping yourself, you’re helping us too!
The Tools

Build beautiful websites
Tool: Strikingly
What: Drop and drag sections to build websites using a WordPress theme.
What we love: Amazing customer support. Low cost. Always improving.