Exploring a just and livable world beyond capitalism

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The Post Growth Institute is an international, not for profit organization working to enable collective wellbeing within ecological limits.


At the Post Growth Institute, our goal is to help guide the way to that more beautiful world your heart knows is possible. We help shift the worldview, so that more people understand the multitude of alternatives when we look at our challenges through an empowered, post-growth lens.

A full circle, post-growth economy is already emerging, offering a pathway to collective thriving within ecological limits— an alternative to the current extractive, growth-dependent economy that leads to despair and division. The movement is driven by people who believe in an economy that naturally circulates money rather than concentrating it, an economy that values people’s needs ahead of corporate greed, an economy that gives more than it takes from our life-supporting planet.

Such an economy is possible. That’s where you come in.

To find out more about how you can be involved and support our work, read on.

What we offer spans three, interconnected areas. Discover how you can:

  1. Revitalize Your Community

    Explore how to reveal the true wealth in communities.
    Learn more

  2. Reorient Your Organization

    Advance your purpose-driven community group or organization with skills, advice, and support.
    Learn more

  3. Reimagine Economics

    Discover viable ideas for a fair and regenerative, full-circle economy beyond capitalism, drawing from what’s already working.
    Learn more



Movement Building

Presentations Given

Across 12 countries we’ve shared and tested a new economic vision based on not-for-profit forms of business.

Projects Assisted

Across 12 countries we’ve helped people start, scale and sustain not-for-profit projects.

People Reached

For 54 affiliated organizations we’ve created 165 social media posts, increasing exposure to their work.

Articles Written

Engaging 76 authors we’ve published insights about how to collectively thrive within ecological limits.

People Trained

Through 67 workshops we’ve provided training in fields ranging from crowdfunding to systems thinking.

Tweets Generated

Since creating the #postgrowth hashtag in 2010, we’ve supported the growing interest in a new way of thinking.

Free Money Day Events

Across 43 countries we’ve explored how people understand and relate to money, particularly what happens when they give it away to complete strangers.

Offers and Needs Matched

Across more than 15 countries we’ve helped facilitate meaningful connections between people via a 90-minute process called the Offers and Needs Market.

People Honored

Sourced from around the world, we’ve showcased people making enriching contributions to truly sustainable futures.

Tannur Ali
iLOGIC Sustainable Industries

“I’ve facilitated at and attended many conferences where connections are made for a moment, but their potential never comes to fruition. The Offers and Needs Market, so graciously offered as a tool from the Post Growth Institute, changes that paradigm and connects us to the next level of thriving in community.”

Kate Sullivan and Eve Smyth
Ashland Children’s Theatre

“The Post Growth Institute have been crucial in our transition to a not-for- profit business, making the process easy and even fun. The comprehensive support they provide to community organizations is incredibly valuable.”

Credit: Juliet Ashley Photography

Katharine Burke
Small Earth Institute

“Working with a small group of deep ecologists, educators and permaculturists, I have starting the Small Earth Institute to promote deep ecology, nature connection and regenerative design in education. I owe the seed of this project to a small essay a long time ago on the Post Growth Institute’s website which questioned how we should ‘up-skill’ for the future, and set me on this journey to create emergent schools.”

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